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Yemen: Research Report on women's participation in peacebuilding and protection during conflict

Fight for Humanity and Berghof Foundation, are pleased to release their research reportEmpowerment lies within: Opportunities and challenges for the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Framework by Political Movements in Yemen”. This research has involved three key political movements or entities: the Islah Party, the Southern Transitional Council, and Ansar Allah to better understand the factors that encourage these movements to promote and implement the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Framework, especially the protection and participation of women and girls in situations of conflict.   

From April to December 2023, local researchers and Fight for Humanity conducted almost 50 interviews with leaders and members of the three political movements in Yemen, civil society organizations and activists. “Despite generally low levels of women’s participation in leadership in Yemen, the research revealed that women are active participants in the political, economic, and security processes of the three movements surveyed” said Anki Sjöberg from Fight for Humanity.

The research also found that efforts to promote the participation and protection of Yemeni women and girls were most effective when they were integrated into a local context and deeply internalized by both men and women in the movements. Challenges were identified such as the lack of regulations and bylaws on the protection of women in times of conflict and a list a of recommendations has been drawn for each movement.

The research also led to a policy brief that provides specific recommendations for how international actors operating in and on Yemen can enhance support for WPS policies and practices through engagement with political movements.

A short video analyzing the opportunities and challenges for the implementation of the WPS framework by political movements in Yemen has also been created. 

The research report can be read below by chapter:                

English version

Arabic version


Research findings (Islah Party)

Research findings (STC)

Research findings (Ansar Allah)


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