Telling the truth: Creating the conditions for a lasting peace in Colombia
10 October 15:00 to 16:00 CET – Palais des Nations in Geneva - Room XXV & online
Side event at the 54th session of the Human Rights Council
The event co-sponsors, Ireland, Colombia and Fight for Humanity are pleased to invite you to a panel discussion to reflect on the concrete challenges to the implementation of the Truth Commission’s recommendations in Colombia and explore possible ways of overcoming them. The event will be in English and Spanish.
On 13th July 2023, the Human Rights Council in Geneva adopted Resolution A/HRC/53/L.25/Rev.1 on the enhancement of technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights in Colombia to implement the recommendations of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence, and Non-Repetition, reflecting the need to strengthen the implementation of these recommendations.
Since May 2023, Fight for Humanity and its partner, Gestos de Paz, have implemented a project, with the support of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, to facilitate the appropriation of these recommendations in two municipalities of Cauca in Colombia, Popayan and Cajibío. These two municipalities are located in areas severely affected by the conflict.
Agenda and speakers
Introduction: H.E. Mr Gustavo Gallón, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Colombia
· Martín Nates, Director of the NGO Justapaz
· Mabel Andrade, Founder of the NGO Gestos de Paz, online
· Francisco de Roux, former President of the Truth Commission, online
Conclusion : Ms. Eimear McDermott, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Ireland
Q&A session
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